Although the brief specifics are not yet available The task offers lots of potential for an artistic free reign. The 24 page A5 booklet is lengthly enough to cater for a long story with the possibility of a detailed narrative that could also include additional text.
Due to the open nature of the brief any concept can be conceived such as a specific story, set of zines or illustration.
Personally If I choose this brief I would favour a 24 page story, with accompanying text. I took a 'creative writing' module last year and also on my Exeter college course prior, and have a few ideas in the way of a story line. Some of the stories are things that have happened to me in the different jobs I have worked, some form my different travels and other just ideas of my own.
I had a chance to explore some of these ideas, stories and characters during this module but always thought that some of them could be applied in the form of a illustrated story or book. The Pylon press brief would allow me to develop some of these different ideas to a more refined form.
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