Friday 22 February 2013


This T-shirt design was not designed for a specific commission but for the artists website. It would have been printed by a third party. The genre is pop culture/ comic characters.
The Design caught my attention and reminds me of a recent brief I read, the brief was to illustrate one or more of your favourite childhood cartoon or T.V characters only in a state of old age. This rendition of Batman looks old, weathered and decrepit. circling around him are a number of characters from various Batman movies, comics and video games. The way they are drawn is interesting too, they seem to be like a collection of miniature versions of themselves tormenting the Batman Character in his withering state.

I realise that as this piece was made for personal self-production and not for a specific client that the list of questions do not really apply but I had a further look at Alex's work to get an Idea of some of the kind of clients he gets. Among them were skateboard companies, as well as designing the album art for the band 'The Used'. The later translates more to my own work, as i have already done one album art commission and am presently in the process of completing another. 

I love doing artwork for LP's and CD covers. I am completing a second design for the LP release of the album "Scent of a Wolf" by the Montreal based rock/jazz fusion band 'Alexiemartov'. My Design for their Album cover was greatly approved and the process of listening to their music and communicating ideas back and forth with the band was a great and interesting experience. After this experience I can honestly say I would like to work on a similar project. 

This example first example is one of the designs from one of Alex Pardee's few commissions for the band 'The Used', The Album was titled 'In Love and Death' relesed September,

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